About Season of the Witch

During the pandemic, the Witch would go walking through the forest. After the walks, she would bathe with bath salts and essential oils. This combination of nature and introspection made the isolation bearable, and the Witch decided to concoct her own fragrance and salt blends, hoping she could mix a little nature and a little magic for other people to enjoy.

About the Salts

The salts are hand blended in small batches, using the highest quality ingredients: Epsom salt, Dead Sea salt from Israel, and Himalayan pink salt; essential oils and fragrances; and dried leaves and flowers.

The botanicals (including essential oils and fragrances) were chosen according to folk beliefs that align with the stated intentions on each bag. When you cast a spell, you are willing change to occur in the world. Tools like herbs and candles help, but the real power is one’s own will.

So, will the salts fulfill your every wish? Of course not. But we believe the salts will help you focus and will help you get into the right frame of mind to apply for a job, to be open to love, to find your own power, and to feel your own unique magic. So shall it be.

“Witches are the original activists. Any time you have something that has to do with empowerment and being free and being wild and being who you are, there’s definitely going to be some opposition to that.”

— Bri Luna, The Hoodwitch

About the Witch

The Witch is a lover of nature, and of art and design—beauty for all the senses. She is a graduate of Parsons School of Design in New York City, and runs a successful design studio. She has had a lifelong interest in fragrance (she purchased her first bottle of perfume, Fracas, at age 12), and is currently studying perfumery at the Cinquième Sens program at Pratt in Manhattan.

Season of the Witch is starting with bath salts, which the Witch custom blends in small batches. The Witch has other ingredients for the cauldron, though. Ultimately, she hopes to create fragrances and to curate a collection of objects that enhance daily life for people who share a fondness for anything out of the ordinary, subversive, and dark.